Friday, April 4, 2008

Why have you left us, good doctor?

Dear Doctor BS,

I notice you haven't posted any of your excellent advice in a long time. What gives?


Dear WB,

The good doctor has been taking the salubrious waters of warmer climes. It is hard, as an American, to take time off and go on vacation, but it's crucial.

I suspect, from the tone of your letter, that you are in dire need of a vacation yourself. Might I suggest Costa Rica? Good food, good people, good weather. And they have monkeys.

I would venture to say that one way in which my home country consistantly disappoints me is in its distinct lack of wild monkeys. Now some people will tell me that it's the climate, monkeys just don't live wild here. To that I say balderdash! Hornswaggle! Fooferah!

Monkeys are just squirrels with more human looking faces. If squirrels can live here, and we can live here, then monkeys should damn well be able to live here too.

In this election year, every American has a duty to let their voice be heard, let our leaders know what issues are closest to our hearts. My issue, dear readers, and dear politicos, is the issue of wild monkeys in America.

I tell you today, the candidate who can put forth the best pro-monkey platform will get my vote. You have my word on it as a doctor.

Doctor BS

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